Who says pink salt is not true? Many believed that pink hue salt has an added food color. But, believe it or not, it is realistic. You can buy pink river salt at https://murrayriversalt.com.au/. Many chefs and restaurants trust the natural saltiness of this organic salt.

Pink hue river salt

Yes, pink hue river salt has natural benefits to the body due to the natural nutrients that the salt has, namely:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • Magnesium

All these are not present in the natural salt from the seawater. The river salt is mineralized using pristine brines.

Why choose Murry river salt?

Murry river salt promotes an environmentally friendly formulation from the harmful effects of saltiness. The salt flakes of Murray River are Australian products, which also traveled much fewer food miles before reaching you. It is also a perfect salt to add to your dish.

Pink River Salt

Is it a good salt?

Pink salt doesn’t mean there is always added food color. The pink hue salt of Murray River is very natural and organic and contains more nutrients compared to the white salts. But, it needs huge amounts of consumption before obtaining its dietary benefit.

The benefits of pink salt

Pink salt is not only good for any food to taste, but it is also a good bath salt. It claims to improve any skin condition and soothes sore muscles. Some use pink salt for their salt lamps to remove air pollutants. This pink salt is processed through the naturally occurring minerals. The delicate balance of these minerals along with sodium promotes ultimate health benefits.

World’s finest salt

Why is Murray river salt claimed as the world’s finest salt? It is because the pink salt comes from the world’s driest continent. Australia prides its natural pink hue on river salt with the coarse flaky salt. It has a delicate flavored and unrefined salt. Using the pristine mineral brine water, the pink flaky salt is crystallized naturally.

The Murry pink salt is additive-free and preservative-free – it is completely natural. Also, it has no anti-caking agents used in the production process. It is perfect for cooking and garnishing. Crystals easily crumble when rubbed between fingers. It is the reason why many chefs love this kind of salt.

Chefs’ favorite

Indeed, the Australian pink salt turned into the favorite of many chefs around the world due to its health benefits. When compared to white salt, pink salt is not just good for the eyes but also has a delicate flavor that doesn’t ruin the whole taste of the fish.

In fact, a lot of chefs used pink salt to garnish the dish. Before they serve the goods on the table, it always puts a finishing touch of Murray pink salt on the food.